Sunday, November 16, 2008

Installing UltraScan on Ubuntu

UltraScan is a software used to analyze data from analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. The installation instructions that came with the software were not entirely tailored for Ubuntu. Fortunately, I had some help. If you too are like me, then here is your help.

First, download the software package appropriate for your computer from UltraScan website. (Note: I am assuming that the file is downloaded into your home directory). Next, open a Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and enter each of these commands one after another. (Replace 'username' in the commands with your username. Some steps require you to enter root password).
cd /usr/lib/

sudo tar -xvzf /home/username/ultrascan-9.9-631-qt-3.3.8-ix86-linux.tar.gz

ln -s /usr/lib/ultrascan-9.9 /usr/lib/ultrascan

gedit /home/username/.bashrc
A text editor window appears. Scroll down to the end and add these two lines:
export ULTRASCAN=/usr/lib/ultrascan
Close the text editor window and return to the Terminal. Type this in the Terminal:
gksu gedit /etc/
An empty text editor window appears. Enter this line:
Hit 'Save' button. Close the text editor window and return to the Terminal. Enter the following commands one after another.
source /home/username/.bashrc

sudo ldconfig
After this, you should be able to run the program by entering 'us' in a Terminal. However, it would be nice to have UltraScan entry in the Applications tree. In order to do that, follow these instructions. Return to the Terminal and enter:
gksu gedit /usr/local/bin/us
An empty text editor window appears. Copy and paste the following lines into it.
#! /bin/bash
export ULTRASCAN=/usr/lib/ultrascan
Hit 'Save' button and close the text editor window. Now, we will create a launcher in the Applications tree. Go to 'System' > 'Preferences' > 'Main Menu'. Click on 'New Item' and enter as shown:

You may not see the UltraScan icon. In order to get that, click on the icon button and enter this path in the location bar: /usr/lib/ultrascan-9.9/etc/ultra.xpm

Happy centrifuging!

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